First for New Converts with ‘Now That You Are Born Again’ is a missionary initiative, with the aim to nurture new converts quickly thus aiding global evangelism
We are convinced that as we send this powerful booklet round the world, many new Christians will be able to grow their faith quickly. Are you an evangelist, missionary or you just love to do the work of the Lord, winning souls? You can get and distribute Free Copies of “Now That You Are Born Again” to give to those you’ve won to the Lord TODAY. Click here

We believe that everyone that comes to Christ needs to be built up in the faith and furnished with the adequate knowledge of God’s Word to grow. We’re determined to strengthen their faith by giving them free copies through YOU.
Get free copies here
“As we preach God’s Word, we’ll also partner with passionate Christian evangelists (individuals and organizations) by giving them “Now That You Are Born Again” in All available languages.
Our objective is to support individuals, ministers and ministries in:
- Personal Evangelism
- Local church evangelical programs
- Ministry evangelical programs
- The support of evangelical outreaches of ministries internationally
- The sponsorship to support individual Christians all over the world with their personal evangelism initiatives.
Let other missionaries like you in different countries who are organizing Christian evangelical outreaches know about us. Click here to spread the word and they too can receive FREE copies of materials to aid their evangelism.
Our goal is to give “Now That You Are Born Again” to New converts all around the world, through individuals, small evangelistic groups, large groups, ministries and large organizations worldwide.
This is made possible because the book is available in over 100 languages and still counting. You can request copies for your personal or group’s evangelical outreaches simply by clicking here
By utilizing our extensive network and distribution hubs, we effectively:
- Make the book, “Now That You Are Born Again” available and accessible to new converts and young Christians in every hinterland, town, city, and nation all around the world.
- Undertake the free distribution of this book to people in need of them; either for study or for personal or group evangelism.
- Provide special resource materials to individuals, ministries, religious organizations, and missionaries in support of their evangelical works, and help them nurture the new souls won during their mission trips, outreaches, crusades, fellowships, and street evangelism.
We are confident that as we make these materials freely available to people in diverse parts of the world, we help to:
- Make it possible for New converts to get nourished through their personal study (2 Timothy 2:15) and even become active soul-winners themselves.
- Plant lasting seeds in the lives of sous won that God can use (I Corinthians 3:6).
- Ensure continuous impact in the lives of your new converts even when you’re not physically present (Hebrews 4:12).
Why This Book
“Now That You Are Born Again” is a powerful mini book that reveals, in a nutshell, what it means to be a Christian, and addresses practical issues faced by a new convert with answers to his/her most pertinent & troubling questions.
As Christians or missionaries, we often times during the course of our activities preach the Gospel to those we didn’t plan to meet and we sometimes wish we had all the time in the world to explain to that one person the years of relationship we’ve had with the Lord Jesus and the person of the Holy Spirit. Getting a copy of Now That You Are Born Again will help build their faith strong in the Lord- it’s a first for New Converts; simple, short and effective.
We equip you with FREE materials to give to those you’ve won to the Lord and also aid your evangelism and soul winning activities, irrespective of how big or how small-scaled your evangelism is.
- “Now That You Are Born Again” is to the new convert as colostrum that a newborn receives from the mother’s milk. Just as colostrum contains antibodies to protect the newborn against diseases. NTYABA contains revelation and information that will fortify the new believer against the onslaught of the enemy.
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby…” 1 PETER 2:2. - “Now That You Are Born Again” is the perfect tool for building up new converts and young Christians and creating in them the confidence of the Word and a consciousness of the realities of the new creation life they’ve been born into.
- The message of the book is simple without being simplistic. It is straightforward, and is clearly communicated in simple language that is easy to read and understand.
- This book is available in over 100 languages and still counting. With our team of translators, we will make it available in every known language of the world. Click here for a list of available languages. Contact us if you require physical copies of these materials for your personal or group evangelism.
- It is available in over 100 languages in print, audio and electronic formats,
Are you a Christian passionate about soul winning? Or are you a missionary/Christian organization organizing evangelism and getting ready to win souls? We can help you with this book to give to those you have won to Christ. This will help you in your daily evangelism and global evangelism around the world. This book is available in over 100 languages. Click here for list of available languages
To send free copies of Now That You Are Born Again for your personal evangelism or evangelical outreach(es) Click here or you can send us a mail at nowthatyouarebornagain@loveworldbooks.org